Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I'm Laying It Out There....Yikes!

About six weeks ago I had a hard time sleeping and just was not feeling good.  I have been totally out of shape for 23 years.  I have also been sitting on my butt more than usual.  I knew it was time to get my butt off my chair and start exercising.  

My daughter's boyfriend came for a visit and brought his BeachBody DVD P90X and I watched Josh and Anna workout.  What an insane workout!  Anna suggested that I buy the TurboFire it is for losing weight and toning your body instead of building up muscle like a bodybuilder.  Sounds good to me so I ordered the DVD set. 

Faithfully at 10am every morning I do my workout. I am currently on week 4 of the 20 week workout.  This workout is not a walk in the park.  In fact, there are times when I don't know how I'm going to even lift my leg up for the next set. But the best part I am seeing results.  I don't care about how many pounds I lose because if I'm going down in dress sizes I'm loosing weight and building muscle.  This Sunday I get to remeasure myself and see the results of my first 4 weeks. I already know it's working my brand new Not Your Daughters Jeans are loose.  Whoo Hoo!

My daughter is my workout buddy and is now a Coach for BeachBody. I am so proud of her.  I have not seen her this happy since she was on Cheer in high school. (she was working out and doing gymnastics 6 days a week)  Anna is so dedicated and loves working out so this is the perfect venue for her.  

If you would like to check out Anna's BeachBody website you can click HERE

There is no excuse I have put this out for the world to see so I must stick with it.  I will be posting about my journey to get fit along with photos.  I hope you join me on my adventure into fitness as I find old Pam,  I miss that Pam and I know Bill does too.

Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. Anna should get Personal Trainer certification - she would be great at that. Love you guys.
