Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hello Sunday

Hello Sunday....

I thought today would be a good catch up day.

I think the whole world knows that today is an important sports day....Super Bowl Sunday. Normally I would be very excited about the big game, however, not one team I'm crazy about is in the Super Bowl. I'm not cheering on either team, I just love football and the commercials so I will be watching and eating some great football food. Chili Dogs, spicy corn, chips and dips, chocolate peanut butter dessert and some Ruby Red Moscow Mules.

Reading: Slowly I'm still reading Still Life with Bread Crumbs, I'm only on page 77, I just haven't felt like reading and I'm already getting behind on my goal. I need to kick it up a notch.

TV: I watched the first season of Walking Dead when it came out and that was it. New Years Day was having a Walking Dead Marathon, I taped it and have been watching it on and off for the last month. 6 more episodes and I am caught up. After the Walking Dead I'll be watching Breaking Bad I taped their marathon too. I also have this season of BlackList and a bunch of other shows I've taped that I have not had a chance to watch yet.

The Home: I don't know if I'm wishing spring would get here or because we are having a really mild winter, but I have already been spring cleaning. I've started with the kitchen and laundry room. Doing a lot of re-arranging, organizing and throwing out anything expired if I can't use it right away. Next I will tackle the living room, I have a few piles or books and magazines stacking up around me.

Creative: My husband and I are going to sign up for a beginning drawing class that is being offered at the new art store in town. I missed signing up for the watercolor class, while there I will check to see when the next class is going to start. I want to start a new x-stitch project this month. I have 9 patterns that I bought on Etsy I just need to see which one I want to start first.

Weekly Quote:

This Weeks Goal: To complete 5 - 200 word writing exercises.

What I want out of 2015: To unlock my creative side or at least to shake it up.

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