Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve and Reflection on 2011

I never got a chance to get on my blog to wish everyone a Merry Christmas life got busy.  I hope your Christmas was filled with family, friends, love and memories.  Our family had a wonderful Christmas, just the way I like it low key and very special.  

I hope Santa was good to you.  I'm sure you watched him like we did on Google.

Reflections of 2011

January 01 until January 12th were spent at the Holiday Inn with my husband, daughter, our dog and two birds waiting for our escrow to close on our home in Utah.  We actually left California on 12/28/10 and have officially been in Utah one year.  We have experienced our first winter and how crazy we were to move in the dead of winter.  We dealt with our well pump going out and having it replaced.  We were without water for 5 days.  We trimmed and cleared trees, brush, trash and made dozens of trips to the dump.  Proud to say that our property has a park like setting.

BLM and the Utah Forestry came in and cleared hundreds of trees making a fire break to protect our home against a fire.  We are thankful for all of their hard work.  We have made countless trips downtown not only for grocery shopping but to pick up our mail and truck our trash down to the community dumpster. We have stressed about having enough propane to get through the winter and have fallen in love with the wood stove.  (This is all new and foreign for us)

We have enjoyed watching the wildlife just by looking out our living room window, taken hikes through our property.  We have gotten stuck in the snow and unable to get up our driveway due to ice and have had to walk 1/4 mile up our drive to get to the house more times than we would like to admit.  We have explored some of the National Parks that surround us, have gone to rodeos, have been to more parades in one year than I have been to in the last 5 years.  I have walked in snow in 2011 more than I have in my entire life. 

Our dog Whitey of 14 years passed away while we were here.  We welcomed a new puppy Olive into our home and she has captured our hearts and filled our house with joy.

It has been a great year with very few hiccups.  For us our little spread on the mountain fits us and is a journey and a learning experience.  Here's to another great year at Rancho Delux.

Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Pam! 2011 bought many wonderful people into my life including you - for that I am grateful. I love the Beekman cookbook and ordered a copy to give to Andrew's teacher - she apparently passes their place when she visits her sister - so she was very happy to receive it. Lots of love to you and yours.
