Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Time Mangement Needed and a Day Trip

I am not going to lie I need to learn to manage my time better.  It's been almost a month since I last blogged. I need to start dividing up my time so I can blog, Pinterest, talk with friends online, cook, craft, oh and clean. There does not seem like there are enough hours in the day for everything I want to do.

With winter not too much going on here.  We have not received the snow levels we did last year and it has been a whole lot warmer in the 40's to 50's.  Instead of keeping the snow on the ground we have a muddy mess.  We can not even get our truck up to the house.  We walk the 1/4 mile driveway to get to the house after we have gone downtown and I don't see things changing until everything drys out.

A few weeks ago we headed to Zion for lunch in Springdale, UT.  What a ghost town it is during winter and there wasn't even any snow on the ground.  Here are some photos I snapped along the way.

Zion with a little snow

Apple Orchard and Zion in the background

I love old buildings

Shoe Tree

Anna and Olive (Olive looks big in this photo she is only 27 lbs)

Olive is pooped out from our little trip

Tomorrow I will share photos on Anna and my trip to Las Vegas.

Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. I love old buildings too and I love that tree - but I wish the shoes weren't on it. :-(
