Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's going to be a little slow here for awhile...

We are having serious issues with our water well and pump.  Not sure if it's the pump, the water table is low or our well has dried up.  We have made a call for our pump guy to come out and check everything out.  He will try to come today but so far it looks like it will be tomorrow.  Funny how this always seems to happen on the weekend or holiday.  This time it was both.

I had cut back my blog recipe posts to 2 a week.  Now it looks like they will be cut back to once a week until we have water flowing again.

The person who unloaded sold this house to us lied and said that the well was fine and produced enough water.  We find out from a neighbor above us that he would go around saying he had 42 acres and a bad well.  We could hire an attorney and go after the seller except that the neighbor doesn't want to go on record so we are screwed.  Plus we just don't have the money to hire a lawyer if nothing is going to pan out.

I am just sick about all this we sunk everything we had into this house and have already put out thousands of dollars on the well and pump.

My cooking has now come to a halt.  It is getting too hard to haul water to the house to do dishes.  We are already having to haul water in every other day just to flush toilets and a friend of my husband gave us a key to his building in town to take showers.  I had planted a container garden and unless we get water soon it looks like that is over too.

Sorry to be a downer but I really needed to vent otherwise I will be crying.  Prayers, thoughts and good vibes that you could send our way would be appreciated.



  1. Sending good vibes your way Pam! Is there any rain in the forecast so you can collect some water that way?

  2. We have a slight chance of rain today and tomorrow. I will put some buckets out and stick my plants out in hopes they get a drink

  3. Hope you get some rain water and your water problem will be solved for ever, yes it is really tough with no running water in the house.
